it wasn't bad,...
but it could be better. The sprite animation without history or with a very week one ain't funny.
as i said before, good work (but it could have been better :P )
it wasn't bad,...
but it could be better. The sprite animation without history or with a very week one ain't funny.
as i said before, good work (but it could have been better :P )
good serie, and good animation
i remember i used to see capitan tsubasa when i was younger...
Although i dind't knew the players real name (because on it's spanish version they had anothers names :P , for example, Tsubasa was called Atom)...
Well, the flash was good, and i have got nothin more to say..
psdt: Latingrounds exist??
I liked it
it was good, though, it was long and at the end you get sleep...
psdt: i think this flash has pop-ups, but i have not whistle (if it does, please, take them away)
DUDE.. the pop-ups ar from newgrounds.. not my doing...(DUH)
good one
don't know why, but a lot of flashes in newgrounds ff sections are greats (and this one is not the exeption)...
i really think that FF Day care, FF bahalam, FF sonic and this animation are the best things that newgrounds has...
posdata: Legendary Frogs Rocks !!! (i think)
I hate when i can't complain about anything... :'(
i just love it
A bit short...
Why didn't cat's mp reduce??
Why Goku dosn't look like anime's goku?
Why this animation is soo damn good?
I will never know thae answers, i think.
First of all...
I had win megaman 1 to 6 recently (because i have nothing bettter to do) and see a introduccion based on it, was just.... Perfect
I had already read all the 8-bit's comic, and although i love to see it animated (with all the extra stuff :) )
Keep this work up...
(i don't think that thief would give somothing like a map or anything, less to a person just alike BB :P )
In two words, describe the cosmos: A loaf of bread over a simple harness of lettuce and pain.
Age 45, Male
Should I have one?
N.A.C.R.I.T.I.C.O .S
Joined on 10/3/05